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So, in this living close to Grace, this Love, one becomes aware of subtle visits of love. Like yesterday, I visited a store, and sensed a growing admiration for the dear lady serving me. After leaving, this sense kept returning, and was stronger. Yet, it was subtly strong, and appeared with gratitude for the beauty of this dear one. I did find her attractive physically, yet, this attraction is not what I speak of. Also, I found her kindness and graciousness attractive. I may have not sensed this arising of subtle love, of wondrous beauty, had the woman been impatient, rude, and unkind. That would not mean the beauty was not present, only that the beauty could not come through. Simply that love is present, does not mean persons will sense that through us. Behavioral traits, being part of the body expression, reflecting the state of body and mind, as well as connection or not with Life, can veil the illumination. See, in this kind of matter, receptivity meets receptivity, connection joins with connection. So, in the body, conditions either support or not this sharing of heart-with-heart.
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When this sense arises, one is seen to be more attractive, for illumined with inner beauty. That is, beauty within shines, enhancing other qualities. This occurs, when in Grace, with non-human beings, likewise. Indeed, the whole environment one is in can be illumined, become heavenly, when before this was not seen. Yet, in both the above, with one person, with the environment, the illumination arises from the Light already being present, and one or the environment being the embodied of Light. The sensing, or seeing, of this Light arises in time, the Light from outside time.
These are visitations of the Eternal: they come, they go, in the body we are not meant to live in this bliss always, the body could not cope with it. Yet, in spiritual transformation, we are gradually being prepared to experience this Grace more often, for we ourselves are becoming in-spirited, or spiritualized, from Spirit into body. We are being seasoned by the Love we love, and the more we love Love, the more Love we aspire to know. So, tolerance for a more direct, more frequent, experience of Grace, of Beauty, occurs gradually, not for Grace is gradual, but our capacity to receive is growing.
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In love arising with others, we need not confuse the means with the Beauty. That is, the dear lady I referred to before, as person, woman, employee serving a customer is not as-person the Light. Human attributes are the means of Epiphany, even Theophany, as the qualities of a river or a trail or a drop of rain can be means of Manifestation, as well. So, we remain wise not to confuse the matter. Love never arises from person, only through the appearance of person. There is a freedom to the arising of Love in varied contexts, and we cannot predict these appearances, not even if it will happen in the same context at another time. That it might or might not, is not the choice of person. We may, indeed, experience, to some extent, a relationship with someone or something, in which there is the remaining of this perfume of Love, this Illumination, but no one chooses that: even the appearance of choosing this kind of relationship is of Grace. We have no personal right to this love, for this love is not personal, it is before-personal.
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So, this is what I mean, in the poem below. For there is a shift, as one is drawn more intimate with Life, from "I love ..." to love happening, and to love spirit-with-spirit, even spirit-in-spirit. Then, in-Spirit, even the sharing of love-with-love, or spirit-in-spirit, shifts to only Love is. Why? For who we are is that Spirit is, so Love is.
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